Clinical Trials

The dermatologists at Toronto Dermatology Centre are pleased to offer their medical and cosmetic patients the opportunity to participate in cutting edge Clinical Trials at our Toronto dermatology clinic. Our dedicated staff and doctors will be happy to explain to you the nature of our research studies and Clinical Trials, and the personal & societal benefits to taking part in these studies.

For any questions about participating in any of our clinical trials,  please contact our research coordinators:

Toronto Research Centre Inc.
Address: 4256 Bathurst Street, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 5Y8
Tel: (416) 633-0001  Ext. 4
Fax: (416) 633-0002
E-mail: [email protected]

Thinking of visiting Toronto’s premier skin clinic soon?

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Call us today @ 416.633.0001

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