Surgical FAQ

Keep the area dry for at least 24 hours, although 48 hours is better. After 48 hours you can resume you regular showering. Avoid immersing the incision in ocean or swimming pool or jacuzzi water for 2 weeks. Start applying antibiotic ointment (e.g. Fucidin, Bactroban, Polysporin) or Vaseline ointment 48 hours after the procedure twice per day for 7 days. You may leave the wound uncovered but continue to apply ointment. However, you should cover it with a band-aid or plaster if the wound is under clothing and at bedtime. You should also cover the treated area if you will be in dirty or dusty environment or if there is a chance the wound will be injured or traumatized (e.g. at work, playing sports, etc). If you have Steri-Strips, keep them dry for 2 days and allow for them to fall off naturally (can take up to 10 days). If they fall off in less than 5 days start applying antibiotic ointment till 10 days post- procedure. If there is excessive bleeding, apply pressure for 20 minutes uninterrupted. If bleeding fails to stop, contact the Toronto Dermatology Centre. If it is after hours or a weekend, go to your family doctor, nearest Emergency Department or walk-in clinic.

Other than arriving on time for your appointment there is not too much else you need to do. We do recommend you continue all medications including blood thinners unless otherwise instructed by your dermatologist. If possible, avoid gingko biloba, ginseng, green tea, vitamin E for 3 days before surgery to minimize bleeding since these ingredients thin the blood. Avoid alcohol the day of your procedure. If you are allergic to anesthetics, latex, antibiotics or bandages, please let us know during the procedure.

Patient’s often ask if they have to pay for their procedure. Before scheduling your appointment, you’ll be asked to send a few pictures of the area of concern. Our surgeon will review and provide a quote if this skin concern is deemed cosmetic or advise if it’s not covered by OHIP. Please note all non-OHIP procedure must be prepaid in full upon booking.

Results typically take 3-6 weeks.

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