
Each medical grade laser addresses specific concerns. From laser hair removal to removing sun damage, Toronto Dermatology Centre has a multitude of lasers for most skin concerns.

Lasers can be effective for removing unwanted hair, which is safe and highly effective for all skin types. Our laser system is suited to all skin types for permanent hair reduction. It is a safe and powerful laser that is considered more comfortable for the patient than most lasers on the market. Such as the NdYag Laser is suited to darker skin types and is preferred for smaller area such as the face.

Our Cutera laser houses 3 lasers: the KTP is for pigment and small facial vessels; the NDYag, for spider veins, hair removal port wine stains, and periorbital veins and last, the Laser Genesis. The Laser Genesis reduces flushed skin, stimulates collagen and tightens the skin. IT can also heal nails infected with fungus and reduce acne on the face.

Other lasers such as the ProFractional Laser resurfacing system are terrific for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, as well as improving the texture and tone of the skin in general. The Profractional laser is used for skin resurfacing. The laser is the most collagen stimulating laser on the market and works on acne scars and surgical scars and is excellent for antiaging, both fine lines and volume loss.

Based on extensive training received from around the world, Toronto Dermatology Centre is now equipped with the most advanced and sophisticated lasers that can safely and effectively treat all skin types. Along with some of the best laser technology on the market, we have the know-how to provide the right diagnosis and best treatment plan for you.

Finally, our BBL, also known as broadband light or IPL, works like a laser and is best used for sun damage, rosacea and acne skin. For photorejuvenation using an IPL (intense pulse light) or BBL (broad band light) device can be extremely successful in fading and removing brown sun spots, redness, and fine blood vessels; this device is the treatment of choice for rosacea, as well as ageing, mottled or discoloured skin. There is also some tightening of the skin resulting in improvement in fine lines and pore size.

The BBL is also pivotal in the treatment of acne when paired with Metvix for Photo Dynamic Therapy treatments. For pre-cancerous lesions, also known as Actinic Keratosis, and for basal cell carcinoma, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a very effective treatment combing the medicine Metvix with the Aktilite laser, specifically designed for PDT.

Our Laser Genesis Nd:Yag laser has been clinically proven to be one of the most effective systems available for curing toenail fungus and fingernail fungus. Most patients require 2-4 treatments to completely solve their nail fungus problems.

Laser Treatments:

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Toronto Dermatology Centre is located in Toronto, Ontario, and serves men and women in North York, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, York, Aurora, Thornhill, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Pickering, Peterborough, Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Hamilton, Oshawa, Barrie, downtown, midtown, uptown and all of Greater Toronto (GTA).

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