- Men and non-pregnant, non-breastfeeding women aged 18 years or older with the intent to undergo treatment (i.e. cheek augmentation) for correction of midface volume deficit, may qualify for this study.
- Individuals must have mild to substantial loss of fullness in the midface area, on each side of the face, and be willing to abstain from any other facial plastic surgical or cosmetic procedures below the level of the lower orbital rim for the duration of the study.
- Participants will receive investigational product (active study treatment) or a comparative product, in the form of an injectable gel.
- Study treatment and study-related assessments will be provided at no cost.
- Reimbursement for study-related expenses may be provided.
- Study participation could last about 20 months and involve about 12 visits to the study centre, plus 4 follow-up phone calls.
If interested, please contact our Research Coordinator 416-633-0001 x4 or e-mail [email protected].