
Allure shares with readers 17 Bad Skin Habits: The skin sins to leave behind. Click here to find out what are the habits you should think twice about.

On Sunday, September 29th, 2013, the Melanoma Network of Canada will host the 2nd Annual Strides for Melanoma Walk for Awareness in cities across Canada….

Researchers in Britain have laid out the first comprehensive map of mutational processes behind the development of tumors – work that should in the future lead to better ways to treat and prevent a wide range of cancers. Click here to view this article on
Very interesting data was recently released from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) which surveyed 6,350 people. It found that 3 in 10 people are considering a cosmetic procedure. The study also found that patients are most likely to turn to a dermatologist for their cosmetic treatments (in 9 of 10 categories). The top satisfaction ratings were for injectable wrinkle relaxers…

Some people call it Photorejuvenation or Broadband Light (BBL). What is it? How does it work? And, is it right for me? During the summer I do a fair amount of consults sent over from our dermatology centre who have been noticing either an increase in brown spots on the face, hands or chest or an increase of redness, especially in the nose and cheek area. For most of my patients, I suggest BBL as the go-to service, depending on their skin type.

Did you know that both Dr. Anatoli Freiman and Dr. Benjamin Barankin were honoured by the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA) for their volunteer work in assisting this society which focuses on patients with skin conditions and diseases. Check out our very own dermatologists on the CSPA’s key volunteer list. Click here!

One day last week a colleague and I had a difference of opinion. Her education was that sunscreen only broke down when exposed to the sun. My training told me that it breaks down naturally after application in 2-3 hours, no matter what. Well, this was something that needed to be addressed, as I most definitely did not want to be giving out false information….

Did you know that Coco Chanel may be solely responsible for the tanning craze that started in the 1920’s? After a holiday in the French Riviera she was seen sporting a tan. And that was that. Up until the past few decades a tan was seen as a sign of decadence only achieved by those who holiday in some exotic locale or of course by children running amuck all summer long….

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