On November 10, 2011 Dr. Anatoli Freiman spoke to a large group of family physicians on Advances & Updates in the Management of Acne & Psoriasis, sharing his dermatologic expertise in the latest developments in these common skin conditions.


By Dr. Anatoli Freiman

Toronto Dermatology Centre was recently written up in the Iran Javan weekly Newspaper talking about the use of Botox for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and for the cosmetic use of Botox for facial wrinkles.

Click here to read the article!

The September 2011 issue of the International Journal of Dermatology confirms based on historical records that Charles Darwin had atopic dermatitis (eczema), and that he regularly developed staphylococcal infections associated with it.

Dr. Benjamin Barankin was interviewed by Pauline Chan of CTV for a piece on how to find the right person and clinic to perform your laser treatments. In a segment called Cosmetic Lasers, Dr. Barankin outlines the dangers of receiving laser treatments by poorly trained individuals using the wrong equipment or the wrong settings, and discusses the perils of this unregulated industry.  Check out: Lifetime with Pauline Chan 


By: Dr Ben Barankin

For acne treatment and acne scarring treatments, please call Toronto Dermatology Centre. Our top-notch dermatologists will provide you a detailed discussion of all your treatment options. The acne treatment options and acne scarring treatment options today are better than ever!

1 in 5 North Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime as a direct result of sun exposure

~ Dr. Benjamin Barankin

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